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所謂的「園藝治療」,就是透過各種植物的栽種和花藝活動,來增進或恢復人們的生理和心理等機能。在【Taiwan Outlook】節目中,邀請到台灣園藝輔助治療協會認證園藝治療師巫芷菁,分享在與包括老人、小孩及各種身心障礙者接觸時,得到的回饋與感動,她也表示,台灣園藝輔助治療協會與各社區醫院攜手合作,希望透過各種課程解說,讓人產生更深一層的心靈療癒作用。

Do you know what the horticultural therapy is? And how can it help the target groups with their emotional and psychological issues? On this edition of Taiwan Outlook, Ms. Isis Wu who is a Certified Horticultural Therapist by the Taiwan Horticultural Therapy Association shares her experience of doing horticultural therapy in Taiwan and its potential for cooperation with local hospitals.
